Adam and Eve were an Ovarian Soul Mate Pair in Earth's fifth dimension at the beginning of your last Age of Aquarius at the beginning of your last twenty five thousand year cycle. They were an Adamic Material Son/Daughter from the Edentic Worlds of the Cygnus Swan Constellation. Theirs was the responsibility to re-establish a stable fifth dimensional environment for Earth's Adamic evolution which would be completely free of the bestial conditions of the third.
Every time Earth has had an earlier root race population resident in the fifth dimension, the Planet was tropical because of the gain in frequency from the higher consciousnesses of the population. Over three and a half million years ago, Earth's current Adamic root race population, now called the Asian races, fell into the third dimension by commencing incarnations into Earth's animal kingdom matrixes. Initially the incarnations were into the matrixes for lemmings, which quickly expanded into the larger animal forms.
Mankind began their emersion in the third dimension in the outer matrix bodies of Lemmings. Shortly after they moved into assorted animal forms and then into a simian type body which was more suitable and versatile. The Simian form appeared in the African plains about two point nine million years ago, who were called 'Paranthropus' by your anthropologists. A million and a half years ago a more physically upright physical body was introduced into the incarnating life stream which your archaeologists named 'Lucy'. A million years ago, a larger even more upright version was introduced, called 'Pithecanthropus-rex', which your Archaeologists also like to call 'Java Man'.
After your original fall from grace over three and a half million years ago, large groups of both Descendent and Ascendant Beings from all over Creation volunteered to incarnate into your stalled Adamic evolutionary ranks to offer stability, knowing the risks. Many more were introduced through the fifth dimensional Planetary headquarters called the Dalamatia Center seven hundred and fifty thousand years ago. The program to help redeem Mankind back up to the fifth dimension had been upgraded in earnest. At the time, a new sturdier much more advanced outer projectional physical body called 'Homo Erectus' was introduced into the third dimensional time line situation. At that point, the presiding Planetary Prince 'Caligastia' took a stand of neutrality about the Luciferian Rebellion.
As staff and Starr of David channel through which the down coming energies from the Orion Command were being passed to the root race evolutions under his administration, he had suffered considerable effect when the root race went into the third dimension. Un-harmonious staff, rod, and Starr of David frequencies started passing up through him instead of glorifications for the Creators. The un-harmonious frequencies clouded his judgment. His indecision aligned the Planet to the rebellion anyway as polarity only works in two directions, the one way or the other. There are no middle grounds in Reality. 'Be ye hot or be ye cold, but because ye are luke warm I spew thee from my mouth'.
Caligastia's stand of neutrality threw everything into chaos and the Dalamatia Center became forfeit. The incarnating voluntary hosts were caught in the lurch, many of you becoming part of the problem. The Planet fell into a long period of glaciation because of the fast collapse of frequency.
Five hundred thousand years ago another advanced fifth dimensional culture was set up called 'Mu'. At the time a newer, even more robust physical body was entered into the third dimensional life stream called 'Homo Neanderthal', having a strongly enhanced level of consciousness. Because of the harsh surface conditions Mu was never fully stabilized and did not long last and the planet went into another cycle of dire glaciation.
Two hundred and fifty thousand years ago the planet again went into thaw and yet another more advanced fifth dimensional center was established called 'Lemuria'. Even more of you from around Creation volunteered to help. A yet even more advanced physical body was introduced into the third dimensional time line condition called 'Homo Cro-Magnon'. The Cro-Magnons had a yet more enhanced consciousness ability.
At this point, through judgment which had become even more severely clouded through the compounding third dimensional effect, against all advices not to, Caligastia took it upon himself to advance a third of the Adamics back up into full fifth dimensional evolutionary status before their time. His action instantly threw the whole issue of who was and who was not loyal to the Creators into question at a very critical level.
A line was drawn in the sand and the Planet was placed under Galactic quarantine, still in effect. Those who were unequivocally on the side of Christ were immediately removed to Orion. Those who were not, or were not sure, were left behind. The Planet fell into another period of dire glaciation because of the loss in frequency.
Starting forty thousand years ago, the glaciation again went into thaw and and heading up to twenty-five thousand years ago around the beginning of Earth's most recent dispensary cycle, an Edentic center was set up in the fifth dimension under the administrative directions of the Material Son/Daughter Soul Mate pair Adam and Eve. Material Son/Daughters administer the Christ Consciousness expansions of root races evolving on a Planet.
Adam and Eve were to phase in a distinctly new Reality sanctified modern physical body called 'Human Sapians' into the outer evolutionary ranks. The newly sanctified body would contain sufficient higher frequency twelve strand DNA Carbon-7 atoms to sustain a Fountain of Youth and Holy Grail principle. Which would be able to uphold the rigors of transfiguration, and also to complete an induced transmigration back into full fifth dimensional Morontia Substance at the appropriate time down the road now coming upon you.
Higher frequency emigre's began populating the Garden as the children of Adam and Eve. At the appropriate time when all of the frequencies were properly aligned, a program would have been initiated whereby the higher frequency emigre's would have began incarnating into the third Dimensional Cro-Magnon population in order to begin an orderly introduction of the new Human DNA into the lower evolutionary ranks under properly co-ordinated circumstances.
The new Human bodies were to have become raised up into their full potentiality within the lower evolutionary ranks through a sanctioned general incarnational interaction between the Garden of Eden emigre's and the Cro-Magnon Earth time line populous under proper administrative sanctions.
When a sufficient number of Cro-Magnons had been upgraded in frequency, the Garden of Eden's emigre's would begin to incarnate in mass into the upwardly enhanced Cro-Magnon' ranks to begin the transformation of the whole population in earnest. Eve was to have consummated with a select member of the Cro-Magnons to initiate the process. Which would have introduced the new Human form properly into the Cro-Magnon population and it would have expanded outward from there.
When only about fifteen hundred of the emigre's had been brought into the Garden at the beginning of the cycle however, the negatives successfully managed a meddle and the Garden was defaulted.
The negatives, called magicians, had in effect used cunning mind and guile to persuade Eve to interbreed prematurely with a select member of the Cro-Magnon evolution before its time. If you recall from Starrgram 9, the image of a striking green serpent is directly tied to the Principle of Scorpio. In effect Eve was talked into breaking the Law through the Scorpio frequency. Referred to in your Bible as being persuaded by a serpent to eat of the 'Forbidden Fruit'.
The Cro-Magnons were a fruit, 'apple', of the Tree of Life just as much as any consciousness expression of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in an incarnation. They were in a state referred to as the 'Forbidden Fruit' however, because their lower outer bestial state of consciousness stood in stark contrast to the properly raised up 'Adopted Fruit' outer states of consciousness of Reality. Your Biblical records have it all completely wrong even as they have it all completely right.
Similarly the 'Forbidden Wisdom' your Bible refers to is 'Carnal Knowledge'. In order to consumate with a third dimensional lower freqeuncy Cro-Magno partner, Eve had to resort to the carnel consumation process set up for procreation within the animal kingdom. In the fifth dimension and higher, consummation is by a harmonious internal merging of the two scorpio freqeuncies. The sperm part is transferred internally from the one to the other. No carnal physicallity is involved whatsoever.
Carnal procreation is only in the third dimensional animal world, which appears as lust in those who have become subject to it. Eve's mistep was carnal, giving rise to the term 'Carnel Knowledge',Eve's mistep was no trivial matter as it played directly into the prevailing original carnal condition of the planet from three and a half million years ago, and very strong untoward carnal frequencies were contaminated into the fourth dimensional astral phychic realm though her actions.
Eve's mis-action with the selected Forbidden Fruit emissary threw the whole co-ordinated plan of the harmonious introduction of the new DNA structure into the lower Cro-Magnon population into complete disarray. The Garden of Eden was forfeited, referred to in your Bible as Adam and Eve being cast from the Garden. The emigre's were forced to start incarnating into Earth's original lower Cro-Magnon outer population out of sequence, in complete discord, and strongly askewed from their original purpose.
The two children of Adam and Eve, which you popularly call Cain and Able in your Biblical records were not two individuals walking about. They were the two ensuing consciousness streams of incarnation into the third dimensional Cro-Magnon outer world population after default of the Garden. The first was the higher new emigre consciousnesses having the higher frequency Human DNA. Who were collected together into a small incarnated group called 'Abel'. The collective original Cro-Magnons were called 'Cain'.
The incarnated Able group gradually became absorbed little by little into the much more prevalent Cain Cro-Magnon frequencies through successive incarnations and gradual interbreeding. Until eventually, the original higher frequency Able group became absorbed into the lower frequency Cro-Magnon population altogether. In your lesser literatures you refer to it as Cain killing Able.
The newly seeded Human form was now at wild within the third dimensional Planetary incarnate to catch on or not ad hoc.
The sanctified body was successfully put to the test by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago as test pilot, one of the main of his many mandated responsibilities. Who successfully incarnated, then transfigured, then successfully resurrected into full fifth dimensional Morontia Substance form. Proving to finality that the new Human form had successfully migrated through the Planetary incarnate anyway. A miracle in its own right given the uncertainty of the paths it took to get it there.
Remnants of the original Cro-Magnon stock still remain in some of your more isolated Earth cultures of today, such as the bushmen of Borneo and Papua New Guinea, and the original Aborigines of Australia. Plus also in scattered parts of Mexico and South America. Who all bear the same coarse heavy browed outer appearance, wear cosmetic pieces of bone in their noses and ears, favour paint on their faces, and are slaved to survival rather than enterprise.
Eve's ill action was likewise not without its consequences upon herself. Because of the backlash, she became a sexual predator, acting both physically and astrally though nocturnal impositions. Because your karmic past is brought to the fore for clearing and complete absolution at both the seminal transition points between Dispensations and in particular between the twenty five thousand year dispensationary cycle, Eve was given the opportunity to clear her Garden of Eve indiscretion during this current incarnation.
As a female again, she was present as one of the Elect of Christ at the beginning of the nineteen seventies. The select member of the Cro-Magnons who she had mis-appropriated with during the Garden of Eden, was also incarnated, likewise as a male again, and was likewise present among the Elect of Christ. It was arranged for the two of them to be left together alone in a house overnight giving her the opportunity to dissolve the past by not succumbing to the temptation put before her.
Which she failed. Both were summarily evicted from the elect of Christ forthwith, and Eve has remained ever as before, sexually preditating on whom ever she can at any opportunity both physically and astrally.
Because of the universally Cro-Magnon level of the population after the collapse of the Garden of Eden, except for a few cave paintings and hand carvings, no records of any kind were made. Then during Virgo, because higher consciousness from the higher Human DNA from the Garden of Eden had started infusing into Humanity at large, primitive records began to kept by the more adept. By the time of Atlantis, record keeping had become standard practice amongst the elite.
Likewise, over the ages a few remnants from the Able side managed to remain intact, who by the time of Virgo, had degraded, out-coming into your current society as some of the self acclaimed, self favoured, self elevated so called higher blood lines harboured amongst Earth's current Royalty figures and similar elite patriarchal enclaves. Who take it upon themselves to thereby consider themselves superior to everyone else and have been trying to set themselves up as rightful oligarchic rulers over everybody ever since the sixteenth century. They are not superior, they merely sustained less of the earlier Cro-Magnon influences than most, made completely irrelevant today by your population's main homogeneous incarnational influences upon Humanity everywhere.
Due to the sudden collapse of frequency after the default of the Garden of Eden, another brief period of heavy glaciations followed the default of Eden. Which started coming into thaw in the build up to Atlantis fourteen thousand years ago. During the warm up to Atlantis, the faithful Souls parked in Orion from two hundred and fifty thousand years ago were returned. Many more volunteers from around Creation agreed to incarnate into the Planetary ranks to again bolster the frequency, again knowing the risks.
Similarly, the accumulation of Soul Atom from Maldek which expolded two and a half billion years ago were also brought into Atlantis because of the stability. Including the five hundered back Masters of Alpha Draconis. Who quickly set up their negative practices again, causing Atlantis to collapse.
After the fall of Atlantis, those of you in the higher group of Atlantian volunteers, plus those of you still on positive terms from earlier times, re-incarnated again in force at the end of the Cancer period and beginning of Gemini as the Children of Abraham.
You incarnated again in force and reved things up at the end of Gemini and beginning of Tauraus as the Isrealites
You re-incarnated again in force and revved things up again at the end of Taurus and beginning of Aries as the Shepards of Men.
You re-incarnated again in force and revved things up again at the end of Aries and the beginning of Pisces as the Disciples of Christ.
You have re-incarnated again in force and are revving things up again at this current end of Pisces and beginning of Aquarius as the Army of Christ. Also called Children of the Light, Light Workers, and Unistarrs of Love, Light, Life, and Liberty.
Forty thousand years ago the commissioned head of the Adamics called the 'Dalai Lama' was appointed temporary Planetary Prince. As of two thousand years ago Christ Michael of Nebadon now holds the reins as Commander in Chief of Cosmic Affairs for Planet Earth.