Fourteen thousand years ago saw the founding of Atlantis at the beginning of the Virgo dispensation signified by the Great Pyramid. Also called the 'Temple of the Hieroglyph'. Pyramid geometry was used extensively at strategic leyline locations all around the World to help induct and disperse the incoming cosmic frequencies of Virgo for enrichment of the planet. Virgo saw the establishment of Planetary Law of one hundred and eight at the third dimensional level of consciousness for the first time ever as a first step back towards full inter-dimensional Galactic Law normalcy starting to come in now.
Higher Cosmic Law comes in through Leo and Aquarius. Twelve thousand years ago saw the beginning of the Leo dispensation represented by the Sphinx. Where Solar Law of one hundred and forty four astrophysical principles began to be induced into the population. Today sees full Galactic Law of one hundred and forty four thousand Energy principles starting to become established through the Age of Aquarius as the 'Chosen Ones'. Also as an integral part of the the 'Great Book' being opened at last.
Ten thousand years ago saw the beginning of the Cancer dispensation. During Cancer, Earth was still awash in the consequences of the cataclysmic destruction of the two main North American Atlantian centers which you call Sodom and Gomorrah. Your bible refers to the Cancer era as forty days and forty nights of rain in refection of the fact that it was the first forty levels of the astral plains which bore the brunt and it took over four hundred years for the conditions to start clearing.
During Cancer, Earth's population was very sparse. Those of you in the upper echelons of Atlantian society had become somewhat Solar Law aware, and had established proper incarnating cycles of nine hundred to a thousand years each as avatars. After the floods you had all been forced to start re-incarnating back into the basic outer rudimentary lower levels of Cro-Magnon society again. Nearly all of the higher consciousness levels of Atlantis had been lost. Similarly, all of your long lived Old Testament characters were Atlantians who all lived before the cataclysms.
After the cataclysms, nearly everyone had been thrown back into the short lived incarnating cycles of the animal kingdom again. Reflected in the Old Testament by the fact that after the flood everybody mentioned were in short termed incarnations. The only original survivors were a small handful of the high priests of Atlantis. They had forewarnings of what was coming in Atlantic so managed to hole up in the high plateaus of Tibet which were too high to be affected by the flooding which eventually covered most of the planet at the time. Since Solar Law had not been yet established, they were among the Priesthood which were still upholding the practices of Virgo for the masses. The Tibetan remnants came down to the foothills of the Himalayans in the sixteenth century and set up the negative Astral and Yoga practices known now as 'Transcendental Masterships'.
Eight thousand years ago saw the beginning of the Gemini dispensation said to be founded by twin wolves, Romulus and Remus in reflection of the dual nature of Gemini and the bestial condition left after the flood. Six thousand years ago saw the Taurus dispensation with an emphasis on the golden bull, representing sharing of the material hearth. Four thousand years ago saw the Aries dispensation featuring the ram, the bolstered head, where the higher spiritual factors were portrayed as the Shepherds of Men.
The past two thousand years has been the Piscean dispensation, symbolized as a fish and the fishers of men. Since the astrophysical frequencies clock around in the one direction and the dispensary astrophysical cycles clock around in the other, the fish is depicted as swimming in both directions.
Aquarius is now upon you. The outpouring of Cosmic truth and understanding and return to full Galactic Law to occur over the next two thousand years is already beginning to unfold as 'The Great Book being Opened at Last'. The new body of higher learning lowering into your mass consciousnesses has already begun and is expanding very rapidly.
The greater secrets of the Cosmos and your responsibility in them, are finally starting to become fully revealed to your third dimensional outer consciousnesses. The last time around for Aquarius was during the Garden of Eden, where the lower outer consciousness evolution was still at the Cro-Magnon level and most were not capable of the understanding the higher frequencies of Reality. Eden defaulted and higher Cosmic Law was never properly introduced into the mass consciousnesses. This time around, most of you are capable of higher Cosmic understanding and at the end of Aquarius most of you will be back in a full fifth dimensional Morontia state of being where you belong.
Atlantis for most of its time comprised populated centers over much of the Earth, including large mining centers in the high isolated plateaus of South America. The Atlantians extracted aluminum directly from bauxite without the need of electrolysis and used it for most of their buildings. Aluminum is one of the more abundant higher metal elements found in Earth's crust,
Consciousness played a large part in extracting the aluminum and in keeping the produced structures intact. Today, you crystallize aluminum from bauxite through the processes of electrolysis where consciousness plays very little role. After the demise of Atlantis, when consciousnesses no longer held the structures in their intended forms, the constructions dissipated quickly back into their elements leaving few traces.
Going into Atlantis, the bulk of Earth's population was still Cro-Magnon. A number of centers of higher civilization existed however, where the higher frequency Human DNA factor from the Garden of Eden had managed to propagate and concentrate. The main center of higher frequency civilization was a very large island stretching through what is now the area of the Azores near the mid Atlantic down to off-shore Brazil in South America. The present day Islands of the Azores are the mountain tops of the original. The second center was along the foot of the Himalayans now occupied by Nepal and Northern Punjab. The third was the plains, now called North America.
The higher frequency Atlantian population was comprised mostly of the accumulated voluntary plus the Gentiles from Maldek. Earth's non-Atlantian population was Cro-Magnon with some remnant Neanderthals.
North America had only a sparse higher frequency Atlantian population. Two large centers, Sodom and Gomorrah however, the 'Cities of the Plains' existed where the mass consciousnesses were well evolved into fourth dimensional awareness. Who were also adept in the power of crystals. Sodom (vice) was located near the North East border of what is now Washington State in the United States and British Columbia, Canada. Gomorrah (crime) was located in what is now offshore the city of Miami, Florida.
An earlier quarantined Planet called Maldek had succumbed to reptilian Black Masters from Alpha Draconis. The Black Masters were remnant of an earlier regression in the Draco Solar Sector. The regression itself was not rebellious. However, many of the regressors however were already well out of attunement with respect to the normal rules of Reality, who became willing rebellers in the earlier onsets of the Luciferian conflagration. In particular the Black Masters.
The Draconian reptiles were a particular variant of their root race which had many racial variants as do the Adamics. In the course of their regression the Draconians had developed a home world philosophy. From their home world as base they had established themselves in little pockets throughout their whole Draco Local Solar Sector.
Through conflict with others their home world was lost, leaving the little pockets on their own to manage as best they could with no holds barred and no common direction or connectivity. When the Luciferian Rebellion ensued, for having already being somewhat in disharmony within the tenets of Creation the pockets were amongst the first to embrace the Luciferian philosophy of Self Will determination. Meaning Will pandering to Self rather than Will serving Creation.
Through influence from the Unknown Power of the X, out of it came a cacophony of lesser practices, including the negative practices of slavery and total authoritarian rule such as later practiced by your Mesopotamian cultures of Sumerian and Assyrian. Approximately two hundred and fifty thousand severely regressed reptilians from Alpha Draconis who were still deemed redeemable, were sequestered on Maldek.
Maldek was a confinement Planet under Galactic quarantine, where some of the earlier more rebellious Soul Atoms of the Orion and Draco Local Sectors were being harboured pending an opportunity for redemption. The original idea of purgatory.
Maldek was a large member of Earth's Solar System in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. The Maldekian society was of the style you currently refer to as Asgardian, and was very active through Maldek's fourth dimensional auric frequencies. Your fourth dimensional Norse mythology characters Thor, Loki, Odin, etc were from Maldek. On the other hand, your Roman Gods, Apollo, Zeus, etc., were Anunnaki from Nibiru, who were able to establish a presence in Earth's fourth dimension when Nibiru came close enough during its passage around the Sun three and a half thousand years ago. Your Egyptian and India Gods were a mixture of the two.
Five hundred of the most negated of the reptilians, the so called five hundred Black Masters of Draconis Prime, had come to develop a highly usurious use of lower Planetary Law to favour the ambition of themselves over others. Their practice is called black magic for the light it denies. A handful had become regressed to the very lowest levels of consciousnesses possible in contravening the rights of others for the benefit of self in violation of the Laws of Creation.
The five hundred Black Masters had created such a severe condition of static thought on Maldek through mass influence of their practices, that the auric frequencies of the atmosphere literally became explosive through an intense concentration of fourth dimensional NPlus static. The group developed powerful laser weaponry, then factioned, then turned the weapons on each other. The focused radiation exploded the atmosphere taking Maldek's whole outer projection along with it.
The main dense rock remnants of Maldek's outer crust is now what you call the asteroid belt. The remnants comprise the asteroid belt's rough and jagged asteroids. The more molten interior solidified and now comprise the asteroid belt's smoother and more rounded off asteroids. A couple of the larger rounded pieces were captured by Mars and are now considered Mars two moons.
The watery presences solidified and migrated to what is now the Kuiper Belt of icy comet type bodies out past the orbit of Neptune. Due to their much lower densities and specific gravities, the gaseous atmospheric presences solidified into gaseous type comet bodies which eventually migrated past Pluto to form what id now called the distant Oort Cometary cloud.
Fast moving outer crust shards gouged large canyon looking scars on the nearby body of Mars. Slower moving chunks thunked in, remaining today as the large jagged outcrops still visible today. Smaller, faster moving chunks zeroed straight in leaving meteor craters all over the surface.
One of Maldek's loosened moons struck Earth two and a half billion years ago, causing Earth's whole outer surface to fall from twelve strand crystalline to two strand magma dross though a wholesale fracturing of its crust, which caused the whole surface to be covered in a deep layer of hardened magma rock called basalt. Deep pathways were opened up to the enormous pools of compressed slushy water sitting just below the magma mantel, flooding Earth with what is now its oceans.
A billion years ago, a cubistically matrixed carbon based outer surface evolution was initiated by Melchizedek Engineers to return Earth's surface back to pure crystalline. Another, highly pocked marked Maldekian loosened satellite was moved in by the Engineers to provide Mother Moon support for the evolution. A vibration from the frequencies of Life was imparted into the ocean waters to make it responsive to higher frequency consciousness in order that adjustments could be made as needed. The water sensitivity to higher consciousness is still present as proved by the Japanese photographer Dr. Masaru Emoto circa, nineteen ninety nine.
Dr. Emoto maintained that consciousnesses affects the states of water samples. The image below is an Emoto photograph of a water sample taken both before and after being blessed by a Buddhist prayer. While not exactly pristine, the 'After' example is all but cubistically there. Giving grace before any meal is not religious foolishness. Likewise, loving your glass of water, coffee or juice before you drink it has an immediate effect which you can taste. (Fig. 118).
Dr. Emoto, effect of prayer on water
The next image below is of a simple snow flake found on the internet. The remarkable similarity to the above says it all.
Simple snowflake
Your Scientific view that life on Earth started in the oceans by simple salt molecules bumping together to form amino acids, then again to form complex protein molecules, then again to form living protoplasms, then complex planktons, etc., is correct. The difference is that they did not of themselves start up as you suppose. They were cubistically matrixed to do exactly what they did.
Approximately two and a half billion years after the original Maldekean explosion, the original population of Maldek was moved to Earth near the middle of the Atlantian Leo dispensation to be absorbed into the stability of Atlantis. Including those of you in the reptilian contingent and the five hundred Black Masters of Draconis Prime. Soul Atoms can remain out of incarnations for long durations when necessary, then returned to where they left off using their Akasic records to re-establish their original frequencies.
Those of you from Maldek were called Gentile, meaning 'Not of Earth'. You had blue eyes, standing out noticeably from the prevalent brown eyed Cro-Magnon Earth populations of the time. The cataclysmic Maldekian experience remains remnant in your collective memories today as that you call 'Dante's Inferno'.
The Asgardian influences of Maldek appeared again in a re-newed modality during your re-incarnations as the Norse cultures of two thousand years ago, and somewhat in the Roman. The Maldekians have incarnated again today as mostly Caucasians in North America and Western Europe.
During Atlantis, you had been brought forward into prominence in preparation for the opportunity of clearing within the Christ cradle to come eight thousand years later. During Atlantis most of you were located in Sodom and Gomorrah, being the most removed from the mainstream of Atlantian civilization.
At the beginning of Atlantis, those of you faithful Souls who had been sequestered in Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years earlier were returned to Earth to continue your voluntary service. When the Gentiles were brought in, yet another large group of volunteers from all over Creation volunteered to incarnate into Atlantis to offer yet more positive counterbalance, again knowing the risks.
The original Black Masters from Maldek quickly re-established themselves to carry on as the five hundred Black Masters of Atlantis, who worked mainly from Earth's fourth dimension.
Atlantis was a patriarchal society. The Black Masters eventually infiltrated, then finally negatively compromised the Elders of Atlantis, who communicated with each other telepathically and were known as 'The Sons of the Solitude'. Which eventually led to the collapse of Atlantis through the loss of stability.
Planetary Law deals with the Energies of a planet, Solar Law deals with the Energies of a Solar System, and Galactic Law deals with the Energies of a Galaxy. Atlantis had originally been set up on the coat tails of Planetary Law in Virgo as a stepping stone towards full Solar Law to come in through Leo. The main purpose of Atlantis had been to re-stabilize Earth's evolution back into Solar Law in preparation for a full return back to Galactic Law whose time has come now with this beginning of Aquarius.
Planetary Law is a subset of Solar Law utilizing only one hundred and eight of the full one hundred and forty four astrophysical frequencies of the Tree of Life. In early Atlantis you recognized only nine Planets of the Solar System. When the Gentiles arrived in the middle of Leo, many of the earlier Virgo practices were still around. Similarly, advanced practices called Yoga were developed during Virgo as a stop gap outer way of working as positively as possible within the limited frequencies of Planetary Law. Those of you practicing Druidism, Paganism, and Yoga today are simply following some of the original Planetary Law practices which were never properly cleared out because of the forfeit of Atlantis.
The assorted Virgo methods were quickly adopted by the Black Masters as highly suitable for their purposes of perpetrating the malpractices of lower Planetary Law which they had brought with them from Draconis Prime through Maldek. Including the conversion of the Atlantian crematorium towers into death altars of mal-sacrifice.
Atlantians did not bury their deceased. The original purpose of the Atlantian pyramid towers was crematorium. The towers were spread around the world and were cubistically designed to produce a purple flame of transmutation up the center from the consciousnesses of the priests in attendance. The flames issued perpetually out the top and could be seen for miles.
The original meaning of the word sacrifice was 'to make Holy', meaning the release of heart felt love in order to bless and reconnect to heaven. When you were ready to discard your outer physical projection, you would simply step ceremoniously from the top of the crematorium tower into the flame. Your physical body would be dissolved back into the respective elementary particles of its composition. Wrapped in an aura of pure love from the purple trans-mutational flame and with help from the consciousnesses of the Priests in attendance, your Soul Atom would be harmoniously released from your outer projection free and clear of conditions ready to return unencumbered back to the fourth or fifth dimension as the case may be.
The Black Masters usurped the principle by forcing you into the flame against your will, utilizing the resulting discordant frequencies resulting from your sudden unwanted separation from your physical body for ill doing.
When any living thing is mal-sacrificed, a flood of fourth dimensional Nplus static is released within the vapours of the aftermath instead of love. Both the Black Masters and the Demonic ones in the astral realms were able to make temporary quasi materializations within the vapours, allowing them to show themselves briefly to their fervent followers. The original purpose of their mal-sacrifices. Christ put an official end to the practice two thousand years ago.
Misconceptions of the practice had been adopted by the primitive religions before Christ, using animals hoping to appease their respective adopted deities into predisposing favourably towards them. A more abominable practice and affront to the Creators cannot be imagined. Continued unfortunately today in some of your Muslim, Judaic, and similar traction religions as gross miss-adaptations of the original malpractice intent. You mistakenly believe you are appeasing God or Allah. A more heinous affront to the Creators is not possible. 'Do not kill anything I have made alive'.
The malpractice actions of the Black Masters completely stalled the incoming installation of Solar Law into the Atlantian mass consciousnesses, and initiated a fall towards debasement.
The two centers in North America, Sodom (vice) and Gomorrah (crime), were the focus of most of the Black Master activities. Most of the rest of Atlantis was unaffected. The Maldekian Black Masters fractioned yet again, collectively called 'Baal' and 'Moloch' in the mistaken belief by their followers that the names were of single all powerful negative entities rather than respective practices.
The two sets of followers were called collectively 'The Sons of Baal' and 'Worshipers of Moloch'. The Sons of Baal practiced the heinous crime of child sacrifice and blood drinking for the negative energies and supposed long life it provided. The ;Worshipers of Moloch; practiced the equally heinous vice of child rape and sale for the negative energies it created.
Sodom housed the Baal crime side, and Gomorrah the Molock vice side with the dishonest commercial dealings of child victim and adult slave selling added in as an after effect for the economic benefits it provided. Before long, the same type of abysmal static conditions which had been perpetrated in Maldek started building up in the atmospheres over the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The two practices eventually become wide open within the two cities as everyday common street activity. Those who weren't involved in the practices paid no attention to it.
So was homosexuality. Homosexuality didn't exist before Atlantis. In the North American parts of Atlantis, unlike today, homosexuality was the norm and heterosexuality was the abhorrent. The release of discordant additional NPlus auric static frequencies through carnal energy center mismatches provided further growing fuel for the Black Master's mal-doings, who encouraged the practices. Your Bible refers to the collective ways as very wicked which barely says it. Sic, 'Men enjoyed gentlemen visitors'. The mutual wickedness created rapidly increasing conditions of appalling negative Nplus static build-up over both cities.
As the conditions in Atlantis grew worse, a corrective attempt was made to bolster the love flow within the family by introducing animals into the home as household pets. As any of you who have a household pet well know, animals are capable of releasing enormous amounts of love into their environment. Canines were introduced to reflect love through a male expression, felines through a female.
Eventually the Black Master mal-used the lower physical properties of crystals to create laser type devices again, then turned the devices on each other again.
As a precaution against the possibility of another Maldek type terminal conflagration, Noah and his wife, working within the frequencies of Planetary Life Carriers, formed an arc of consciousness between them allowing them to create a safe haven against all possible outcomes. Noah's Arc was not a large wooden boat. The blueprint matrixes for the entire animal kingdom were Akasically recorded into their arc of consciousness as a safeguard against a worst case scenario. As the male and female of each species were not from a split Ovarian Atom, it was necessary to record a male and a female matrix for each species into the arc, i.e., 'two by two'.
Near the end of the Leo Dispensation, the warring factions used their lasers again. This time only the congested atmospheres over the two North American centers of Sodom and Gomorrah ignited, not the whole Planet. The explosion over Sodom flumed south along Earth's magnetic lines and was so hot it left an enigmatic lengthwise scar over eight feet deep on Earth's surface just south of Spokane, Washington called 'The Palouse'. Appaloosa horses were bred in the Palouse. Forest fires typically leave an extremely fertile two to three inch layer of topsoil which is rich in potash and ash from the scorching. The flume down the Palouse left an eight to ten foot layer of extremely fertile scorched topsoil. Topsoil as fertile as the Palouse doesn't appear again until fifteen hundred miles to the East. The problem perplexing scientists is, 'How on Earth did the topsoil wind up in the Palouse' when the wind blows from the West to the East. Not surprisingly, the University of Idaho at Moscow at the bottom end of the Palouse is one of North America's biggest agricultural powerhouses.
The Palouse land is highly contoured. The farming practice of circular ploughing around a hill to reduce runoff was pioneered in the Palouse. The image below clearly shows an elongated strip of enriched agriculture area extending down from Spokane to Lewiston.
Similarly, traces of the explosion over Gomorrah now lay buried under the waters off the south coast of Miami. In the image below, Homestead is the very bottom-most tip of Miami. In the torpid ocean area between the beginning of the Florida Keys and the bottom tip of Florida, the under water remnants of Gomorrah can be clearly seen.
Remnants of 'Gomorrah'
Earthquakes and cataclysms weren't responsible for destroying Atlantis, the heat from the explosions were.
The expanding explosions produced blast furnace hot winds of well over a thousand miles an hour which immediately removed all life from the surface. The Arctic ice caps and mountain glaciers around the planet quickly melted causing the oceans to rise far above their normal levels, flooding all the coastal areas plus large areas inland.
The two expanding explosion collided over the central US, causing a colossal bang which hit the surface of the earth like sledge hammer. The hit caused the earth to violently ring like a bell. The ringing vibrations caused the surface areas around the Island of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean to liquefy like land is an earthquake, and the more solid heavier island slowly sank into the ooze like a body in quicksand. The current island of the Azores off the coast of Portugal are the remaining tops of the original mountains which were all at the Islands North end.
When the atmosphere eventually cooled enough for the ice caps and glaciers to start forming again, Noah and his wife returned the fauna matrixes back into the planet from their precautionary Arc in Consciousness. The Melchizedek engineers responsible for Earth's return to crystalline set the flora matrixes back into motion again, and the Adamic population started re-incarnating out into the world as as Cro-Magnons. It took nearly two thousand years during the Cancer dispensation for all of the discordant conditions to eventually settle back to normal. The uplifting of Mankind out of their spiritual blackness was began with the advent of Abraham.
The voluntary began their re-incarnating at the beginning the Gemini dispensation and founding of Rome. Rome was symbolized by the twins Romulus and Remus, representing the dual Male/Female nature of Gemini. Also, said to have been raised by wolves in reflection of the world wide outer lower bestial outer consciousness condition the general population had been left in after the flood. Initially, the voluntary were capable of higher consciousness awarenesses but were completely cut off from all their outer higher frequency activities. Higher positive voluntaries began incarnating as the Children of Abraham. Who had to incarnate into a society which was devoid of higher Christ Consciousness.
Earth has twelve Melchizedek Engineers overseeing the evolution of its ascendancy, called Planetary Regents. To introduce the seeds of higher Christ Consciousness back into the ranks again, one of the engineers, Machiventa Melchizedek, was given sanction to teleport into a physical incarnation out of sorts without going through the normal birth process, (Without Father and without Mother).
The reason for teleporting in and not birthing in is that all of his Melchizedek frequencies and understandings were needed to push back against the abject public inertia at the time. If he had birthed in, it could not have been guaranteed. First, it would have taken awhile until his outer consciousness had developed enough to handle it. And second, there was no guarantee that it ever might, given the abject outer conditions of the time.
Machiventa, called 'The Melchizedek King', set up a Christ teaching center in the Kingdom of Melchizedek at Salem to bring back into the publics' outer consciousness the lost seeds of Christ conscious awareness. The teachings also went out across the mountains and became what are now known as the Hindu Vedic Scriptures in India. Similar such early scriptures appeared in China from similar missionaries.
'Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt' means that even though she had successfully cleared herself in consciousness of all her negative Earth plane conditions, she reversed in consciousness and re-aligned back into the prevailing lesser conditions of the time. In today's religious cultures, called 'backsliding'. She eventually died of old age instead of continuing as a thousand year Avatar, her outer body remnants returning to the salts of its composure.
Cleared in consciousness does not mean the equivalent of low readings on a galvanometer toy. These only measure the superficial Nplus static flows of your more intense outer emotions. Likewise, mindless meditative silence is not the sign of a cleared consciousness.
A consciousness cleared of static is very dynamic in its expression as there are no inhibitors to the pure Christ Energy frequencies moving through. Cleared in consciousness means no more static thoughts, no more carnal thoughts, no more malfeasant thoughts towards any living thing, total responsibility to the One Law, and uncompromising love for your Mother and Father.
It also means full Christ conscious awareness of who you are, what you are, and where you are going. Plus the Will, Desire, and Action to put it into practice in love and service for the greatest good for the greatest number in all thought, word, and deed. If you are cleared in consciousness, you are a true firebrand for Christ as you do not broach lesser condition in others. Jesus was a serious Christ firebrand, which is why most people at the time couldn't figure out what he was doing. Who had expected flowing robes and a pious demeanour instead.
Earth has but one Human race having many variants. All Soul Atoms are in the same Christ likeness and image of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, who are in the likeness and image of the Father and Mother, which is why racial prejudice is so non-sequitur. The Universe at large has likewise but one race, having just the twenty four family birth sign variants, and countless expressions. The one and only outer consciousness expression in Creation is Christ. There is only the One and Only Begotten Son/Daughter, whose consciousness expression underscores the totality of Christ. We are all in the same likeness and image of Alpha and Omega. Which is why there are no such things as what you like to call 'Outer Space Aliens' in Reality. In actuality, only a very few who are still in a state of temporary lesser outer consciousness conditions could be called Aliens because of their wayward lesser conditions.
In the cataclysms that followed the explosions over Sodom and Gomorrah, the large Island in the Atlantic sank and is now the source of your many existing lore's about the lost Island of Atlantis. As mentioned, the remnants of the Sodom explosion lie buried by time in the region between Spokane, Washington and Creston, British Columbia, plus as mentioned, the Palouse. The remnants of the Gomorrah explosion are lost in the waters offshore Miami at the beginning of the keys.
Similarly, in the warm up to Atlantis the main portion of the Grand Canyon was carved. The watercourse through the canyon does not wander and meander in the normal serpentine way of naturally formed rivers and waterways, though some portions had existed from earlier times. The Atlantians traveled in magnetic levitational devices called Vailxes, able to move a hundred miles an hour up and down the meridians and a thousand miles an hour across. An early Atlantian had sat in a Vailxe over the canyon watching it being carved out almost overnight and later recounted it.
What he had watched was that during the warm up to Atlantis, a vast body of water nearly the size of the Great Lakes had become trapped under the western glacial edge over the mid western United States. About thirteen thousand years ago a violent volcanic earthquake opened a large crack under the waterway releasing it to the west. In only a couple of days, from over a mile in height, a body of water nearly the size of the Great Lakes ran straight into the ocean, carving out the canyon and most of the present day Gulf of California.
North America was allowed to lie fallow for the ten thousand years following the cataclysms in order for the static residues to dissipate. Through remnant frequencies of its past, Spokane Washington is now home of one of North America's largest aluminum refining centers, even though bauxite is not mined there.
After the flood, the returning incarnation cycles reverted to short term because the whole incarnate was thrown back into the lower prevalent outer world conditions which were all that survived. Before the floods, a portion of the Atlantian society had reached such higher levels of consciousness that they were back into their proper thousand year avatar cycles of incarnations. The early characters of your Bible scripts such as Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, etc., reflect the fact. Who were all long lived Atlantians. Suddenly, after the flood, all Biblical characters returned to familiar short life cycles and remained that way for the remainder of the Biblical records.
Similarly, atomic bombs are not the Man made fires from the sky warned of in Revelations. Orbiting laser cannons are. Atomic Bombs are instead a very bitter recent X-factor surprise for everyone. The Revelations made predictions about the fires knowing that those who had fancied lasers so much on Maldek, then again during Atlantis would be reincarnated again at this present time and at it again.
Those of you in the Star Wars initiative of the early eighties tried to start the orbiting laser cannon condition all over again for the havoc it would invoke upon the lower astral planes of the Planet. Your hope had been that by disrupting the lower astral levels you could fracture the Van Allen Radiation belt, disrupting the Planetary embargo holding you to the Planet by decree. Your latest attempt has been through the use of the CERN Large Hadron Collider device, hoping to break open a Starr Gate allowing you to squirt out, and remnant lower frequency entities like yourselves to wiggle in. Prevented from success by the helping hand of the higher ups to preserve the embargo.
The fire in the sky reference is also in regards to the regularly occurring dispensary flare from the galaxy core. It also refers to a pending flare of a nearby supernova approximately two thousand years from now which will be quite visible in a day-lit sky.
Atlantis also had a number of fourth dimensional healing temples spread around the planet. After the fall of Atlantis the temples were moved up into the higher astral realms for safe keeping to prevent the Black Masters from misusing their frequencies for malpractice. The healing capabilities are currently being returned to the Earth plane astral levels and their frequencies are already being recalibrated back into full functioning order. However, in the positive changes that are starting to occur in today's expansion of consciousness they are being introduced instead into Earth's outer third dimensional physical plane for the first time ever.
The original chambers looked like a small astrophysical observatories. The new versions are in the form of 'Med Beds'. The temples would have been susceptible to commandeering by the Anti-Christ factions currently in power around much of the world for being large and in the open. Med beds are completely portable and easy to keep out of harm's way. Similarly, each temple would take awhile to construct at considerable cost, Med beds can be mass produced at nominal cost. Similarly, the temples would have needed priests to operate properly through their consciousness, who would have to have been specially trained though a lifetime of prayer and meditation. Med beds can be operated by anybody who has undergone a due series of courses and training.
The Med beds are another Earth beta test running in full swing. A number of Med beds are already in full operation, currently reversing the extreme physical, mental, and emotion harm done to people young and old rescued from the Illuminaties' extremely diabolical Deep Underground Military Bases. Meds beds today are slated for eminent release to the public at large once the last few enclaves of the Anti-Christ factions have been dealt with.
The original healing temples were based on technology handed down from the Arcturians during the time of Atlantis. The Arcturians have a third dimensional evolution somewhat like Earth's. They had a few societies functioning at a lower level then Earth's, resulting in some of their ships being quarantined around Earth amongst the tin pots. The main body of Arcturians however were functioning near the very top of the astral planes close to the forty ninth level. Because of their highly advanced third dimensional culture, they had developed the healing temples to work within their own populations, and had passed on a version modified to work with Human DNA as a contribution to the positive evolvements intended during Atlantis.
Because of their closeness in breaking though out of their third dimension condition in this current cycle, the Arcturians have also been given sanction to send a monitoring device around Earth to see what useful results Earth's beta tests were producing. The monitor is in the form of an asteroid, which was first noticed by your Astronomers on October nineteenth, two thousand and seventeen. It was given the name 'Oumuamua', and was immediately suspected of not being a normal asteroid from the asteroid belt for being long and angular rather than rounded and ovular.
After further study, astronomers concluded that it was the first asteroid visitor from another star system. Scientists called the discovery so exciting it sent shivers up and down their spine. Imagine what would be going up and down their spine if they found out what it really was.
'Oumuamua' Astroid
Similarly, a period of Atlantis saw some of the Negro race as enslavers. Which is why those of you in the Negro race, the Sons and Daughters of Ham, had such a long period of non advancement in Africa in order that your frequencies become re-stabilized. It is also why some of you Sons and Daughters of Ham, who are very empathic, had to undergo a brief period of enslavement in the present cycle in order to fully understand the severity of usurpation which slavery imposes upon the creative expression of others.
Likewise, many of you who had originally been enslaved during Atlantis have been gathered into the frequencies of the US deep south for healing. Which is why so many of you in the deep south today still have such an unfortunate and unrelenting fear and hatred of those of Negro heritage. You must now put the past behind you and move into the positive future and frequencies of forgiveness which have been provided for your healing within the Southern local. If you do not, you will continue to re-incarnate within your own stagnant condition of fear an hate over and over again until you do. It's not that difficult, Simply strike up a conversation with somebody of color and talk to them as if there were no such thing as race at all, as in fact there isn't.
Slavery is not a fact of bad character that can therefore be blamed. Slavery is nothing more than another of the many static Nplus conditions which have accumulated within your mass consciousnesses as brought in from Maldek. Which are all part and parcel of the collective imbalances stemming from your misadventure in the third dimension. At the end of it all so is even black magic, albeit a very unsavory affliction. In Reality there is no such thing as lesser character.
The Atlantian Sons and Daughters of the Solitude were eventually disavowed through Black Master contamination, becoming known by the time of Christ as the 'Nicolaitanes'. By the middle ages, they and their practices had became variously known as, ''Initiates', 'Cognoscenti', 'Kabalists', 'Illuminati', and others. The faces are different but the backs are the same. Some of it in the passing wound up in the Vatican.
Most of you from the original Reptilian migration, including the Black Masters of Atlantis, are in today's incarnation cycle striving to undo your misdoings of the past, some of you. Most of you are leading uneventful lives. Some of the Black Masters who were more agreeable were given specific abilities to work with as a test of their sincerity. Edgar Cayce passed his test successfully by refusing to take self credit for his healing and future seeing abilities. Instead crediting everything to Christ and the Creators.
Ronald Reagan failed his test by trying to set up the laser fed conflagrations of Atlantis all over again as the Star Wars initiative.
The Eastern Mystic Kirpal Singh, failed his test by using his open ended facility within the frequencies of the fourth dimension to try and attract from out of his millions and millions of followers world wide, the thousand who had come with him to Earth in a space ship as part and parcel of the Gentile repopulation of the Maldekians into Atlantis two and a half billion years after the Maldekian cataclysm. His hope was that their reunited frequencies would be sufficient to overcome the Planetary embargo placed around the Planet by Christ Michael two thousand years ago, likewise failed.
Until recently the small handful of Black Masters who had still not yet incarnated, continued trying to perpetrate their conditions through misuse of the frequencies of the fourth dimension as gadfly nuisances and political meddlers in world affairs.
Who have factioned again, this time competing through economic, political, and economic denominations. Who strived to set up competing Draconian style New World Orders from behind the scenes in the fourth dimension, using fear, turmoil, and intimidation as their modus operandi using members of the Illuminati, Zionists and other outer world organizations as willing dupes. Rothschilds and the Zionists are on the one side, Rockefellers and Facists are on the other. The Rothchilds are plying through banking, and the Rockefellers are plying through oil and pharmaceuticals. In the summer of two thousand and five their fourth dimensional astral powers were completely dissolved by the higher factors, throwing all the dupes master plans into disarray for having greatly diminished guidance.
In the early fall of two thousand and eight, five remaining Black Masters who were deemed unredeemable were sent back to the Heart and Center of Creation for purification. The remaining seven Black Masters, called the 'Crows' in England, finally entered the incarnating ranks by bending their knee to Christ and accepting total responsibility for their actions. The incarnated Black Masters are still able to communicate telepathically with those in the outer world, but only one at a time on a one on one basis, Such was conducted until February of two thousand and twenty one with the so called 'Pindar' head of the Rothschilds. Then that connection was also finally severed. Their original open ability to communicate freely with large groups at a time from an astral plane advantage over the outer world is now gone.
There will eventually be a New World Order as prophesized. It will not be based on total control and usurpation of the rights and freedom of others by a small handful of Anti-Christ individuals who see themselves above everyone else. It will be based in total Christ love and service for the greatest good for the greatest number in complete return to the One Law.
During the main spikes in frequency between one dispensation and the next, and the more minor spike during the half way periods of dispensations, everyone's Akasic record is brought forward for clearing any lesser conditions of the past which may be present in the higher frequencies prevalent. Earth has currently passed the transitional spike between Pisces and Aquarius. Most of the people involved this time at the major spike have fallen back into their old practices instead of moving ahead into clearing. The black magic conditions from Atlantis have been brought forward again under the idol worshipping of Molock, and malpractice actions of Baal under the collective banners of Luciferianism and Satanism.
The abominable practices of vice and crime have likewise returned to Earth's Modern day societies through incarnations for eventual clearing, aptly represented by the ubiquitous graft and corruption practices across all levels of Earth's current political and financial structures. Similarly, the homosexuality and sexual perversions from the latter days of Atlantis are similarly becoming more and more prevalent across all levels of modern political and civilian society.
Similarly, the frequencies of Sodom have returned as the openly homosexual culture of San Francisco. The frequencies of Gomorrah have returned as the pervasively organized crime climate of Chicago. The megalomaniac features of Babylon have returned as the city of Los Angeles. The capital city frequencies of Atlantis have returned as the mega metropolis frequencies of New York City.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were three, city block size rectangular platforms which stood suspended about twenty feet high in front of the Royal place. The point was as a show of power to the public as in sic, 'Look what we can do so do what we tell you and don't even think about trying anything stupid'. Today it's hurricanes, floods, and tornados.
Similarly, the two demonic practices of Molock and Baal have resurfaced again within Earths current society. During Atlantis the demonic practices were street. Most of the general populations of Sodom and Gomorrah were in on the practices. Those that weren't, let it be. This time most of Earth's general population aren't having any of it, and the practices are now undergoing decisive and complete clearings once and for all and their numerous deep underground bunkers around the world are been cleared out and closed down under the current great sweep of Armageddon.
The two factions have currently re-appeared as the frequencies of Baal as seen in the Rothchilds, out-coming in practice through banking and finance, and the frequencies of Molock are seen today in the Rockefellers, out-coming in practice through oil and pharmaceuticals. The Frequencies of Molock appear in such as the Bohemian Grove. The frequencies of Baal appear in the Pindar related societies hiding secretly in their large Palatial estates. Also, in the absolutely appalling underground child malpractices being discovered in large numbers in the deep underground tunnels and installations called 'Dumbs' (Deep Underground Military Bases), all over the World. Successfully now starting to be taken out one after the other in rapidly increasing numbers.
Similarly those who were participating in the very negative practices of Nazism and Fascism during the second world war, are all re-incarnated and back at it again. The Nazi and Facist factions have united into so called 'Woke' socialism, controlling Americas' politics plus Governments around the world under the banner of the Cabal or Illuminati. Which are all Anti-Christ in the extreme. Christ is for others, Anti-Christ is for self. Therein is the difference and your way to tell.
'Beware of the Anti-Christ' does not mean to beware of an individual with seaweed dripping from its horns as your religions like to popularize. It means to beware of those still Anti to Christ, including the two hundred planet Anti-Christ coalition near Orion. Who by the beginning of two thousand and twenty one, had still not yet bent their knee to Christ.
In mid January of two thousand and twenty one, an official act of positive insurrection was called upon the coalition by the higher powers. Their misaligned administrators were removed from their positions of power and the work of cleaning up the rebellion influences amongst their lower dimensional populations was commenced in earnest. The same is happening today world wide on Earth under the catch all banner, 'MAGA'. The planet belongs to the root race Adamics, who are the current Asians in all their Permutations. Earth is now being handed back to the Adamics. China will eventually be the World Leader but on a completely positive basis. The US will continue to lead the Adamics but on a non-competitive basis.
America will be great again, but only so far as to be able to work with the Chinese in total peace and harmony for the welfare and benefit of everyone as the Russians do now.