An Intelligent Design of Creation does exist. It is dirt simple, infinitely powerful and is based on only a few simple rules. By the Design every aspect of Creation is by order of rule and by the rule every aspect of Creation has a specific purpose.
The operational aspects of the Design are geometric. The specific geometric method is simple, precise, and mirrors the original principles of Alpha and Omega exactly.
The Intelligent Design is one side of a two sided coin. The first side is the Great Cosmic Plan of the Creators Alpha and Omega to convert their original inner falling frequencies of their original Great Even Pool of Darkness self into everlasting outer manifestations of their Intelligence, Energy, and Substance called Creation. The other side of the coin is their modus operand, namely the methods they devised to effect the conversion. The core components of the modus operand are formulated through a program of geometric interactions called Cubistics.
At the heart of cubistics is the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is not a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as you are being taught. It is a fully consecrated family principle of Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter. 'As above so below'. The personae of the Father is 'Alpha', the personae of the Mother is 'Omega', and the personae of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter is 'Christ'. The term 'Creators' is usually taken to be Alpha and Omega together, Father and Mother. Creation is the Will, Desire, and Action of Alpha and Omega to expand themselves within themselves according to rule. Their rules employed comprise their working Intelligent Design.
The Intelligent Design is backboned on the Holy Trinity Family Principle. Specifically, the attribute of the Father is 'Intelligence'. The attribute of the Mother is 'Substance'. The attribute of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter is 'Energy'. Creation comprises only consciousness caused outer manifestations of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance under the guidance, direction, and protection of their Holy Trinity Self. Intelligence, Energy, and Substance is all there is.
Nothing exists outside of Alpha and Omega. Alpha and Omega are eighteenth dimensional. Their eighteenth dimension is called 'The Great Even Pool of Darkness'. Their Great Even Pool of Darkness self comprises only Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance. The Breath and Tiny Particles both vibrate. The vibrations are causelessly entropic, falling ever lower and lower in frequency towards an eventual ultimate cessation of existence. The purpose of Alpha and Omega's Intelligent Design is to convert their original uncaused eighteenth dimensional entropic frequencies of Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into caused everlasting expressions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance manifestations.
Their Intelligent Design is continuously being brought forward within a scaffolding of lower and lower dimensions which Alpha and Omega established as frequency allocations within themselves in preparation. The dimensions are eighteen to one. Their Holy Trinity Self comprises the entirety of their fifteenth dimension. Their Holy Trinity Self is completely un-materialized. Their Created self called 'Creation', is their thirteenth dimension and below and is fully materialized.
The whole of their fourteenth dimension, called 'The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega' is the created interface between their un-materialized frequencies in their fifteenth dimension and above, and their materialized frequencies in their thirteenth dimension and below. Within their Cube and Sphere, their Intelligence is represented by a vast Sphere of pure Intelligence, their Substance is represented by a vast cube of pure Substance, and their Energy is represented by straight lines in the form of vast Upper and Lower Y Factors of pure Outer Energy.
In the depiction below the Lower Y Factor is in behind and not shown. Their Cube and Sphere is fully materialized and comprises an Absolute Sphere of Pure Intelligence, an Absolute Cube of Pure Substance, and an Absolute Y factor of Pure Energy. An Absolute Starr of David in the middle from the end points of the Cube is their Pure Inner Energy action, and is also not visible. Their Cube and Sphere is the first completed outer manifestation of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in existence. It is also the first living atom.
The Cube And Sphere of Alpha and Omega
The Cube and Sphere Self of Alpha and Omega is both the first projected outcome of their Holy Trinity Principles into outer materialized form, and is also the progenitor mould for all of their living Soul Atom Children in Creation which followed in myriad number, like yourselves. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the largest living atom in existence, their Soul Atom Children in Creation are the smallest.
As implied in the above depiction, the Mother holds the Father in her bosom. The principle applies also within you. Your Mother Substance factor holds your Father Intelligence factor within your bosom as you walk about. Again, 'As above so below'. You are a living outer manifestation of the Intelligence, Energy, and Substance of Alpha and Omega as an integral part of their Created body and in their likeness and image.
The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega projected one dimension down to their thirteenth dimension is called a 'Cubit'. Cubits are the basic building blocks of Creation and comprise the actual basic working modus operand part of their of their Intelligent Design.
In the representation, the circle represents the frequencies of Intelligence, the hexagon represents the frequencies of Substance, the Upper standing and Lower standing blue line Y factors represent the 'Outer' Energy frequencies of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and the white Starr of David, now visible, represents the 'Inner' Energy frequencies of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. As the depiction shows, the Starr of David holds the Intelligence factor and Substance factor together in Absolute equality of their Absolute potentials.
Cubits are expandable into cubistic matrixes. Cubistic matrixes are the main principle of how their modus operand is expressed, used equally to blueprint the different aspects of Creation as intentions before the fact, and to uphold them permanently together like floor plans after the fact once expressed. There is ought in existence not of a cubistic configuration great or small. Cubistic matrixes rely on the fact that the attributional frequencies of the Father, Son/Daughter, and Mother can be permuted in seven different ways. The seven permutations are: 'Intelligence', 'Energy', 'Substance', 'Substance/Energy', 'Substance/Intelligence', 'Intelligence/Energy', and 'Intelligence/Energy/Substance'.
Cubits are used to depict the different attributions of the differing permutations. The image below comprises seven cubits configured together, and is the basic cubistic blueprint for the seven permutational frequencies tied together. A thick attribute line or circle depicts that a particular attribution is in full presence, a thin circle or line depicts that it is diminished. In the image below, the differing frequencies of the differing permutational representations are reflected through the differing thicknesses and thinnesses of the differing parts of the differing respective cubits in the matrix.
For example, by the cubistic rule, in the permutation of Intelligence depicted at the three o'clock position in the image below, Intelligence is represented in full attribution while Energy and Substance are both diminished. The very thick blue line through the middle of the three o'clock cubit and two thick yellow outside edges tie to the whole cubit and not just to the three o'clock cubit per se;. In the permutation of Substance/Energy at the nine o'clock position, Substance and Energy are in full attribution while Intelligence is diminished. The final permutation of Intelligence/Energy/Substance is depicted as the middle cubit where nothing is diminished. The smaller double hexagon and even smaller hexagon inside that ties to the eighth dimension and Inner Creation inside that.
Creation at large consists of an Inner Creation and an Outer Creation. The Inner Creation comprises dimensions thirteen to nine, the Outer Creation dimensions seven to one. The Inner Creation is mainly Intelligence related, where the plans of Creation are drawn. The Outer Creation is mainly Substance related, where the plans are put into practice as expressed results. You are in the Outer Creation.
Just as the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the interface between the inner un-manifested frequencies of the Fifteenth dimension and higher and the outer manifested frequencies of the thirteenth dimension and below, the eighth dimension is the interface between the mainly Intelligence related frequencies of the Inner Creation and the mainly Substance related frequencies of the Outer.
The Outer Creation is composed of seven Great Super Universes which surround the Inner Creation like the petals of a flower. The above cubistic matrix also blueprints the seven great Super Universes of the 'Outer Creation' for being of the same principle in kind. The matrix also blueprints the seven dimensions within the Outer Creation for likewise being of the same principle in kind. The matrix also blueprints the seven dimensions of consciousness within everyone within the Outer Creation, including yourselves, for likewise being of the same principle in kind.
This collectively should give you considerable new information about your existence as a Soul Atom Child of the Creators, living in the Outer Creation of seven great Super Universes, having seven dimension within each, each of you having your own seven dimensions in consciousness as an everlasting Triune Son/Daughter Child of the Creators. Once expressed from the side of Alpha and Omega, you are forever.
The infinite power of cubistics, reflecting the infinite power of the Intelligent Design, is given by the fact that by the rulings, every part of every cubit in any area of any cubistic matrix anywhere in Creation carries a completely different frequency of its kind for fact of the collective differing frequencies of all the differing parts connected to it. For example, in the depiction above, the circle of Intelligence at the three o'clock position is in a completely different position within the overall matrix than the circle say at the one o'clock position. Notice that the parts connecting to them also have differing thicknesses So it represents a completely different net frequency of Intelligence. The same applies for any of the other circles in the matrix and also for any of the cubes of Substance and also for any of the Y Factor lines of Energy.
Likewise, in the example, only thick and thin quotients are used for the relative values of the parts. In actually, any value of quotient can be used as needed without limit to impart to any component its purpose within any of the myriad assorted parts in any Creative project large or small. By this simple little logical working principle of their Intelligent Design, it is completely impossible for any cubistic part, no matter how big or how small, or where in Creation it may be found, to be of the exact same frequency as any other. And there is no limit to how differently a part can be specified to work within a Creative design anywhere in Creation.
For example, the simple electron is comprised of thousands upon thousands of distinctly different cubistic members within its basic cubistic matrix from the differing fermions within its makeup. Each in turn defined by its own cubistic matrix of cubistic components. Likewise, by the rule, no two electrons anywhere in Creation can have the exact same net collection of frequencies even as they are all exactly the same in basic outer principle.
It is that simple. By this singular little fact of straight forward common logic, cubistic matrixes are able to blueprint in advance, and to subsequently uphold after the fact, continuously differing creative expressions without limit and without end, by someone simply assigning in advance the attributional qualities needed to every differing part of the cubistic structure required to bring about the manifested end product they planned as the intended result.
The fact is that the cubistic principle is fractal. The fractal is universal. Like fractals, cubistic matrixes can be expanded into more and more complex matrixes without limit. Likewise, made smaller and smaller without limit in order to blueprint and uphold any aspect of Creation large or small, macro or micro.
The image below is an expanded cubistic matrix depicting the Seven Great Super Universes having the seven dimensions in each based on their attributions.
Seven Dimensions of the Seven Super Universes based on their Attributions
The depiction is the basic overriding blueprint for the Outer Creation. The very small cubit structure in the very middle implies the presence of the Inner Creation higher up in frequency and in behind. To give you an idea of how cubistics actually works in practice, if the entirety of the above image were to be reproduced inside every one of the small cubits inside every one of the seven main cubits and then the whole thing done again, you just might start getting an idea of what an electron might look like. If the original above structure were to be flushed out into its smallest of details depicting the whole of the Outer Creation, the actual number of cubistic members would be many many many times transcendental times transcendental.
For comparison, the following image depicts the seven Dimensions of the Outer Creation based on their working principles, detailed in full in Starrgram 7 of the Intelligent Design of Creation.
Seven Dimensions of the Seven Super Universes based on their Dimesnionalities
In the depiction, the center cubit represents the third dimension, the hexagon of twelve red and yellow cubits represents the fifth dimension, the hexagon of eighteen red and blue cubits represents the sixth dimension, and the hexagon of twenty four red, yellow, and blue cubits represent the seventh dimension. The respective hexagons impart considerable more information about the dimensions, even as they still hold true to the attributions.
Similarly, in your current incarnation you have both an inner and an outer consciousness matrix. When your inner and outer matrixes are likewise flushed out to include all of the molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles within your body the number of cubistic parts upholding your current incarnation as you walk about, the number likewise approaches transcendental. This is how Cubistics has been used, is being used, and will continue to be used to uniquely blueprint and express every differing part of creation large and small, forever and without restraint. You have long sought a Unified Field theory. By rule of cubistics the Micro Universe is a perfect mirror of the Macro. The Unified Field Theory is at hand.
In general, a basic cubistic matrix is used to blueprint and express the overall outer formulation of any given creative project large or small. Smaller and smaller cubistic matrixes are designed within it to blueprint and express its more refined aspects. Very very small cubistic matrixes are added in to blueprint and express its smallest bottom-most elementary aspects. The fractal nature of Creation becomes obvious.
Similarly, in a manner likened to more or less complicated Lego pieces, by standard blueprinted formulations set forth by Alpha and Omega as foundations of Creation consciousness are able to rely on a repertoire of cubistic templates to blueprint intended projects without need to pencil in every minute detail.
For example, Lanonandek Son/Daughters creating a whole new Local Solar Sector of a thousand Solar Systems each through their consciousnesses, have a starting matrix template at their disposal to work with, needing only custom tuning to give it the particular frequencies it is to comprise for the role it is to perform in Creation under the particular Will, Desire, and Action of the Creators given the particular undertaking they have been asked to produce it for. It is by the tuning together of such Cubistic pieces that the vast multi-facetted undertaking known as Creation has been wrought into existence and continues to expand.
Creation exists solely to convert Alpha and Omega's original failing Great Even Pool of Darkness frequencies of Intelligent Breath, Tiny Particles of Substance, and Vibrational Enervation into everlasting Triune frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. Their Intelligent Design was formulated solely to bring about that conversion. Creation exists solely through everyone's responsible history in the Intelligent Design under the guidance, direction, and protection of Alpha and Omega's Holy Trinity self, including yourself.
The current Outer Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and is still within its infancy. The current Outer Creation comprises seven great Super Universes. Seven great new Super Universe are starting to become unfolded. Creation will be expanded seven more times after that. At the end of all the expansions, enough Only Begotten Son/Daughter Energy and Consciousness animus will have been created for Alpha and Omega to convert their remaining Intelligent Breath, Tiny Particles of Substance, and Vibrational Enervations into everlasting Triune Being as a single penultimate event. In that final day Alpha and Omega will have raised themselves from silence to the spoken word and the Great Even Pool of Darkness will stand no more.
For the whole Intelligent Design, see: 'The Intelligent Design of Creation', Starrgrams 1 to 7 are the basic principles of the design, 8 to 15 are the main practical applications which have resulted as Creation. For you who are Scientific minded and who tend to dismiss things not of the laboratory or theoretical pen out of hand, Starrgram 16 deals with the Micro Universe. Specifically, in the middle of Starrgram 16, the three up quarks and three down quarks are generated straight out the rules for cubistics. Similarly, near the end of the Starrgram the basic natures of the photon, electron, and neutrino are likewise generated in pure Cubistic formulations. The Unified Field Theory has been lassoed.